Grasping and sensors. E-TextilesGrasping and sensorsSoft and printed electronics Wearable Pressure Mapping Through Piezoresistive C-PU Foam and Tailor-Made Stretchable e-Textile Grasping and sensors Soft Pressure and Bending Sensors integrated into a Soft prosthetic Hand. Electrophysiological classificationGrasping and sensors Single Channel Surface EMG Control of Advanced Prosthetic Hands. Grasping and sensors Anthropomorphic finger for grasping applications. Grasping and sensors Soft bionics hands with a sense of touch. Grasping and sensorsSoft and printed electronics Autonomous Selection of Closing Posture of a Robotic Hand Grasping and sensors Bio-inspired soft finger skin Grasping and sensors Soft Hands- Soft Sensors- Soft Synergies Grasping and sensors Actuation configurations of bionic hands. Grasping and sensors A Compact Two-Phase Twisted String Actuation System.